
New Poem – lost puppies…

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Lost puppies

We are no longer,

That’s for sure…

Since all that’s been and gone

And the very essence of you,

Left behind in so many hearts,

Is never forgotten.


And, on a day such as this,

When your world is calm,

Full of warm smiles,

And your soul is at last

Let off its string,

One cannot help but sense,

For certain,

That all the love inside you

Comes from the best of those

You’ve known and loved

And those who came

And went before you too…


Sweet darlings! Sweet youth!

All our hope and dreams

Derive from just that.


So, show me the wonder

Of all you’ve seen so far,

Stretch the day to its limit,

And let us have no guilt

Left to waste for dreaming still.


  1. Love the solid confidence in this delightful poem … “lost puppies – we are no longer” Beautiful poem

  2. Beautiful and serene words. Scott!
    “One cannot help but sense,
    For certain,
    That all the love inside you
    Comes from the best of those
    You’ve known and loved
    And those who came
    And went before you too…” my favorite line on your poem.

  3. I like the supposition that all the good in you comes from those before you and those that touched your life… and most def we should keep dreaming… Love that last stanza Scott

    • Still like that all that is good comes from others that have touched our lives…but also the seeking of wonder… I have just returned from the mountains and tasted much wonder in their shadows…

      • I think the love inside us is a preposition of those we have known and the dream of those we will know. We walk towards a future of solid understa,nding and I agree there is a lot of confidence in your poetic voice, are not all of us lost to the dream of the best we can be? I think your use of puppies is especially sweet fo they are beloved creatures

  4. “One cannot help but sense,
    For certain,
    That all the love inside you
    Comes from the best of those
    You’ve known and loved
    And those who came
    And went before you too…”

    Wise words here, Scott. We each are influenced by who we have known in our lives, hopefully good and wise and loving people who have shared themselves with us. These words are something to continually ponder, not only in regard to those who have influenced us but at a certain point in life we need to think about who we ourselves are influencing & how.

  5. I really enjoyed the piece immensely… but I was limited, with global ignorance, with the term (use of) “Puppies”

    Scott says: Thank you for this – I use the word puppies to indicate, in the context of this piece, a relative state of youthful helplessness.

  6. A beautiful feeling thus poem imparts…………

  7. So true .. By living and admitting to our experience we can go forth in dream the right path ahead…

  8. We are indeed a product of all those who have touched our lives. A lovely poem Scott, full of depth.

  9. I, too, most resonated with the lines Gabriella and Mary highlighted…..there is such comfort and compassion in this poem, Scott. It lifted my heart from the very thoughts you advise me to let go. Thank you for that.

  10. Ah – the time we spend dreaming is never wasted – and it’s good to honor those that were before us and left us a good heritage.

  11. I love the soothing pace of this lovely poem. It’s important to be grateful to those who love us, shape us and those who have come before. Good writing.

  12. A lovely reflection Scott ~ Those we have loved are also part of us ~

  13. The poem leaves a sense of gratitude and tranquility…”So, show me the wonder / Of all you’ve seen so far,/ Stretch the day to its limit,” and
    I find these lines very interesting…

  14. Yes we should give passing thoughts to those who have shaped us. We are all shaped by our experiences and encounters, good and bad.. A very uplifting poem with the lens as always focused on the positive:)

  15. Those closing lines… “no guilt in dreaming!” Loved it!

  16. This is my mantra too…
    “Stretch the day to its limit,
    And let us have no guilt”

  17. Hi Scott,

    Quite a sombre but beautiful poem.


  18. Scott, you simply blow me away with the intense beauty and depth of your poems. I especially identified with this line:
    And, on a day such as this,

    When your world is calm,

    Full of warm smiles,

    And your soul is at last

    Let off its string,

    I’ve had those moments–fleeting, but heavenly.


  19. You title set me in a certain mood, kittens and puppies, I liked it.

  20. “Stretch the day to its limit,
    And let us have no guilt”

    yes, this
    taking what we’re given
    making what all that we can

  21. A dreamy poem, very lovely 🙂

  22. Thank you Scott.

  23. Oh Scott what a glorious poem this is! Makes me think of the passion of youth, of being in the moment Love it…

  24. Well, this one had me bawlin. Poignant and beautiful. Bravo, Word Artist.

  25. Carol Zielinski

    Very nice Scott!

  26. P.J. Campbell

    Thanks, for sharing, Scott. I love the poem.

  27. William Bain

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for writing. True, I would say about
    your “Lost puppies”, in its movement towards
    recognizing some of our human failings (failings
    in the sense of activities, experiences). Thus I
    believe it sometimes says more than enough, if
    you follow me. Or seen somewhat differently, it
    could negatively say some of its positivities. These
    are my immediate impressions–and definitely glad
    I read it, that is, I gained. Best wishes, William

  28. Yves

    What a gorgeous poem Scott I have left a comment on your blog I am having trouble with my internet connection so I hope it finds you!

  29. That dreaded feeling of “where are you?” comes through this well and all those that have lost a loved one will surely engage with this.

  30. Laura Bailey

    It is such a wonderful thing to be let off of the leash in the beautiful days of Spring. Thanks for sharing Scott!

  31. I agree with LKWatts that this is a sombre poem, hauntingly beautiful, yet sad.
    The name ‘Lost Puppies’ implies the loss of something irreplaceably precious—the fleeting time of innocence, joy and lack of self-consciousness of a puppy. Puppyhood is so short—can you find it again or are our hopes and dreams chained to this short period of our lives? Scott doesn’t answer this question and I suspect he won’t. The quest is to discover whether we can return, relive, or resuscitate our lost puppies by remembering those we loved and those we’ve known. Youth is fleeting….do we try to recapture or let it go?

  32. Got a bit lost here dear Scott. First stanza would suggest a parting and subsequent stanzas suggest not so… Such is the fickleness of love…
    Anna :o]

  33. Loiriam Jimenez

    Beautiful and lovely poem! I love the way you express how you feel from your heart. Thank you for sharing, Scott. -:) Yours, Loiriam

  34. Beautiful poem Scott. One to keep aside for when one is having a bad day, this will surely turn it around.

  35. This poem sounds like an Ode to a lover who has left this world and passed on to another, leaving behind the wistful memories, the hopes and dreams that lovers share in an unforgettable reverie. Very beautiful.

  36. Dee Ashby

    My small pet is dying. I read your poem and broke down. It is painfully beautiful. I’m sorry. . I can’t write more because my eyes are leaking as I write. . but I love the poem.

  37. George Hopkins

    I really liked your poem. There is something about a man and his dog. I felt the love and the loss and the hope. Thank you for sharing your poem.


  38. Dr Jelka Samsom

    Just read “Lost puppies” and I love it! Of course the following is my personal interpretation but I believe this poem has all the Scott Hastie ingredients as it contains many different layers.

    Yes, it can be read as an “ode to a lover” as Shari Jo writes. It mentions the flow from “puppy love” to “mature love”, the loss of youthful exuberance versus the gain of mature calmness. We also find the theme of ‘carpe diem’ and the poem can be read as turning from the personal into the general.

    The ambiguity (?), fun (?!) of life exemplified by the first sentence, title and accompanying picture….

    I feel overall optimism reigns; “Unus Mundus” , ‘lost’ puppies, you are no more….

  39. Nivedita Yohana

    The poem is awesome, Scott. Your words are always pregnant with hope, life, spirit and verve. It serves as an inspiration for all the lost souls fumbling in the darkness, searching for light.

  40. Scott, you words will carry me through my remaining years with a sense of wonderment, treasure and the tranquil abeyance of many moments of reflection on your inspired verse, crafted with a fragrant resonance long after its writing.

    Few capture the essence of life through the mirrored image of life’s beauty and gift of being with such gentle inflection on more difficult moments in life with a close that compels our greater perspective and celebration of the gift of each moment, hour and day we share on this earthly space.

  41. TJ Sally

    These are really lovely works of art – your poems. Insightful.


  42. Chris Hawkes

    Lovely extended metaphor, Scott. Thank you!

  43. Mahnaz Mohafez

    Another beautiful poem.Thanks for sharing!

  44. Sanaz Davoodzadeh Far

    Thank you very much – I love your poem…

  45. This was worth a second reading.. yes there is a lot of wisdom in your words Scott….

  46. A great lesson in your words.. Thoughtful and sweet. 🙂

  47. Yes, I think we consist of the memories and traces of all the people we have touched and been touched by in our lives. This makes me think of my dad.

  48. Laura Laveglia

    Scott, your new poem brought me back to a little girl!
    Fabulous my friend
    xo Laura

  49. Came back for another read from dVerse and it is even more heartwarming the second time through. Beautiful, Scott!

  50. Such a gift–youth and the ability to dream –whether puppies or older dogs–we all love to dream–

  51. Stretch the day to its limit,
    And let us have no guilt
    Left to waste for dreaming still.

    Classic ending Scott! Leaves lots to anticipate and hope for given all the memories! This can only happen to those having loved ones feelings to be shared with. Great!


  52. Sondra Kelly-Green

    This sings to my soul and fills it with a hopeful wistfullness. T Y, Scott.

  53. Lovely poem. Read it a second time and I like every stanza.

  54. Scott, those are the memories that keep me going on. I know I have been blessed in knowing Michael. Beautiful write.


  55. In my usual insomniac dyslexic state, I read this as being about ‘poppies’. In the light of your explanation, [“a relative state of helplessness.”] that actually worked out reasonably logical, as an opium infused semi-dream.

  56. This beautiful poem leaves a bittersweet feeling – their puppy lives are so short, yet so joyous.

  57. I love this….it is so beautifully written. Especially, “And the very essence of you, Left behind in so many hearts.” From what I know of love, it seems that love infuses one person’s soul essence into the heart/soul of his/her loved one in a way that cannot ever be extricated….it becomes, as you said, an essence that gets left behind in our hearts.

  58. I am most impressed….the last comment says it for me as well re: essence of human existence; I am always prone to
    think along existential lines. Bravo~

  59. Lovely. A reminder to remain free, even as you live within constraints. I particularly “the very essence of you, left behind in so many hearts” – yes, we all touch people along the way, but are rarely aware of the depth of that touch. Beautiful poem, Scott. – Vivienne, of OneVoicePoetry.

  60. It is a beautiful poem on love and feeling.

  61. Beautiful poem. If we learn from our past, we will not be lost puppies anymore

  62. A beautiful poem so deeply filled with love and caring. I love that all the love inside is from the best we’ve known. How true that is. Beautiful writing.

  63. A poem of advice that is and will be great as advice for any friend..family..or love in general in and of life!:)

  64. We can always hope to be shown the wonder ~

  65. Of all you’ve seen so far,
    Stretch the day to its limit,
    And let us have no guilt
    Left to waste for dreaming still….beautiful lines. Love this.

  66. Oh, this is very beautiful.
    Aren’t we all a product, in one way or the other, of the love (even indifference) of people in our lives?

  67. Suzanne Staveley

    Lost puppies
    We are no longer,
    That’s for sure…

    (Have we been changed?)

    Since all that’s been and gone
    And the very essence of you,
    Left behind in so many hearts,
    Is never forgotten.

    (Our loved-ones remember our original nature
    before it was taken from us)

    And, on a day such as this,
    When your world is calm,
    Full of warm smiles,
    And your soul is at last
    Let off its string,
    One cannot help but sense,
    For certain,
    That all the love inside you
    Comes from the best of those
    You’ve known and loved
    And those who came
    And went before you too…

    (In the joy of silence
    we hear our spirit whisper
    our original natural being
    our awareness heals us
    as we reconnect to the source
    where the enlightenment of
    giving and receiving abundant unconditional love
    destroy the mind-set of selfishness, fear and scarcity)

    Sweet darlings! Sweet youth!
    All our hope and dreams
    Derive from just that.

    (When we find our true selves
    we find the hopes and dreams
    we were destined to live)

    So, show me the wonder
    Of all you’ve seen so far,
    Stretch the day to its limit,
    And let us have no guilt
    Left to waste for dreaming still.

    (The shackles upon our minds
    the false concepts they are
    melt away in the heat of reality
    awareness is the key
    to the treasure-chest of knowledge
    that sets us free
    The puppies have found themselves.)

    Suzanne Staveley, June 2014

    Scott says: thank you dear Suzanne for such a thorough and intuitively considered response to the poem that I’m sure will be of interest to others… Very generous of you.

  68. Roman Long Gonzalez

    I just read your latest poem. Wow! As usual your work is inspiring and powerful. The really love the following of the last stanza, “…Stretch the day to its limit,
    And let us have no guilt
    Left to waste for dreaming still.”

  69. Scott:

    I agree with Gabriella and Mary Kling.

    My other favorite part feels like my mission at WWFN. Your words:

    “So, show me the wonder
    Of all you’ve seen so far.”

    Your poetry is remarkable, memorable.


  70. Neena Sharma

    A Short, simple sweet poem, Scott sir! Brevity is the essence of your poesy, here. Congrats once again for your splendid, subtle writing!

    The most touching lines were:

    And, on a day such as this,
    When your world is calm,
    Full of warm smiles,
    And your soul is at last
    Let off its string,
    One cannot help but sense,
    For certain,
    That all the love inside you
    Comes from the best of those
    You’ve known and loved
    And those who came
    And went before you too

    How true indeed. When we become soul conscious, ridding ourselves from our body consciousness, we understand the basic nature of unconditional Love, the unconditional Love of the world benefactor, our supreme father. This is the true love that we have been welling from all our beloved friends acquaintances, the world over. Let’s wonderfully cherish it lifelong.After all, all Pure love is the basis of eternal relationships. We stand awakened with this awareness and consciousness; no longer the lost puppies in the mad world.
    We souls, as His children, are the fragrant flowers in the Eden garden of Life. Let’s spread and share our sweetness of fragrant divine virtues of Love, benevolence and kindness, in order to make this world a better place to live…Thus, heralding the advent of the GOLDEN AGE.

    Thanks for the marvellous share!
    Bless all!
    Divine greetings and regards

  71. Princess Romay

    Thank you! Your words are inspiring

  72. It’s amazing how literature, but more specially poetry, resounds differently in its recipients. I don’t find anything somber about this magnificent poem. Rather, I sense there’s a sense of joy celebrating maturity built on well-lived youth, and the satisfaction of having become who we are through what others endowed us with.

    “all the love inside you
    Comes from the best of those
    You’ve known and loved
    And those who came
    And went before you too…”

    I view this piece as a the continuum of life, free of regret, accepting that we are part of a river. The waters -we- will not flow by the same banks twice, yet the river will fertilize the lands -thought, knowledge, emotions- until the end of times.

    Acceptance of our human destiny and acknowledgment of how are lives are enriched by others as we enrich theirs is a lesson to live by.

    Thank you for yet another outstanding, sensitive, realistic piece.

  73. A poem of acknowledgement to all those who have loved us, shaped us and a poem that urges us to move forward now, to recognize that there is nothing that stops us from meeting life head on. Your poem inspires me to embrace life to the fullest Scott…and in so doing express the intrinsic role that everyone has played in my life. What a lovely poem Scott!

  74. Leilanie Stewart

    Hi Scott,

    Very thought-provoking poem.

  75. Deborah Hodgetts

    Lost Puppies is a beautiful heartfelt poem, filled with depth.

  76. Not even our subjective experiences were or are formed independent of the effective ‘affectiveness’ of the other/s. The beauty of the poem dilates all the more with these beautiful comments from these refined minds.

  77. Your poetry is always searching for meanings and answers to those life-long questions. It reminds me of a poem I wrote as a teenager about memories and friendships being let go and let off the strings like balloons. But I like yours better, Scott. This is wonderful. Everyone can relate to the universal heartfelt truth here.


  78. Dorota Szumilas

    Beautifull poem, deep thoughts. And a Hope… is very important to live, to dream and to create. Best wishes

  79. Sheri Lynn Pritchett

    Tank You for sharing the lovely poetry!!

  80. Sayed Rohani

    Your words stem from a beautiful mind, a gracious soul.

  81. Beautiful poem Scott.

  82. Sayed Rohani

    Hi, dear friend, Scott! I enjoyed some of your poems. They are wonderful.

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