Climb too enthusiastically
Into a mirror of the self
And you may never get out,
Never escape the greedy maze
Of its seductive stare.
For myself, I understand
I simply have to be
And give, as best I can.
And then just leave.
Complicit in lingering too long?
I hope not…
Far better to focus instead
On establishing a warmth
And light within,
That begins to stir
Your very own story.
Then, at whatever point in your life,
You have a way forward,
A purpose to begin.
Follow its lead,
Treasure wherever it takes you,
Make of it what you will.
And when the heat
Of its giddy energy
Starts to fade,
Then you know
Your time may be running short.
Once in a while,
Along the way,
By all means pause
To consider your situation,
If you must!
Like the most delicate of cautious spiders
That sometime
Might still think it necessary to flee
Or even to stop and fight,
To quarrel,
To consume or be consumed.
Your fate though
Is not nearly as tentative
Or parlous as this.
For, along the oft fearful
And meandering trail,
The miasm of life,
Your hallowed soul within
Still offers you clear direction
And fragrant sanctuary.
Sacred space in which
To distil, like amber,
The best of your love.
And forgives you also
For mistakes of the heart
And nostalgia for moments gone,
But not forgotten…
The best of times
When you shone as you should.
The true harvest here
Is inestimable,
Endless gilded web
It radiates forever.
Ripples and tremors of light,
You may never see their end…
You have such a pastoral voice in your words….like you are listening to a father give advice…. I mean that in a good way, Scott…It makes it easy to listen to… Great opening lines on climbing too far….
“Then, at whatever point in your life,
You have a way forward” Thank you Scott. A profound piece indeed.
I agree about the comment on parental advice… Almost like the “my son” sections in the book of Proverbs in the Bible.
I was prompted to ask, ‘who says so’ with post modern scepticism, but the truth or meaningfulness depends on the response of the reader, on how it appeals and impacts, on its validity to the reader.
Further the musical quality, and the images that impress on the mind are memorable.
Brian E. Wakeman
Author of
Knowing Through Poetic Reflection
Your search seems to turn spiritual.
I especially liked the opening stanza that set everything up.
“Climb too enthusiastically
Into a mirror of the self
And you may never get out,
Never escape the greedy maze
Of its seductive stare.”
Good write, >KB
“Climb” makes you climb the reality into spirituality and discovering yourself.
Beautifully penned. Loved the opening lines.
The true harvest here
Is inestimable,
Endless gilded web
It radiates forever.
(this reminds me of combining infinity with two relatively even forces of poetry…)
Ripples and tremors of light,
You may never see their end…
Loved this: “Far better to focus instead
On establishing a warmth
And light within,
That begins to stir
Your very own story.” It’s a long climb to get there.
Really beautiful and wise, Scott… I love parlous and miasm.
“Your hallowed soul within
Still offers you clear direction
And fragrant sanctuary.
Sacred space in which
To distil, like amber,
The best of your love.”
-Lest we become confused. Nice write.
I must admit I am a sucker for any poem that uses the word parlous. Very wise words here – not so easily learned though! k.
The true harvest here
Is inestimable,
Endless gilded web
It radiates forever.
a spiritual quest that we must all tilt with I suppose–beautifully written!
Yes, very wise poem indeed… love the metaphors you used and the spirituality is brilliant. Great!
Nice… I enjoyed this new poem…
Regards Drew C
From beginning to end, a little something to consider, pick up, keep and use along that trail. Beautifully written ~ Jason
Love the tone and the message of this, Scott. You wrote with such a wonderfully soft pen. Perfect ending…..
My my, what beauty in simple words. These are meaniingful words for me to ponder at this time in my life.
Thanks for sharing. You are an amazing poet.
This is full of wisdom–a poem that needs to be reflected upon.
Nice gets the message of life..from the beginning to end..I like the middle where you speak of direction, flight or fight, a exercising of life as opposed to complacency and the final stages of a calmer spiritual self, ‘when you have shone as you should’
I like the poetic gems here ~ Thanks for sharing ~
Dear Scott: Looks like you have received many positive comments. I enjoyed a kind of breathless falling into your poem after the first stanza, which seemed to set up a thoughtful place to start. I am not sure by the last stanza where you are going and if the poem is actually longer. I enjoy your use of “miasm”. Is your “distil” really “distill”?
Just wondered. This may be a difference in culture. I look forward to your revision of this piece for the feeling you deeply need to share with us provoked by your first stanza. As always I look forward to your work. Thank you for this, Marika
Scott says: Marika – thanks for these thoughts… ‘Distil’ is the pure English language spelling, to which we add a second ‘l’ only when followed by a vowel, as in verb usage: ‘distilled’ Interesting point you make about the ending, which I had indeed been reflecting upon and will write to you about…Thanks again for your careful consideration of my work.
I simply have to be
And give, as best I can… This is what carried this for me… climbing too deep into that mirror of self holds us capture all too easily
…it feels good inside to read a poem like this, sir… it covers a set of meditative thoughts that refreshes the inner soul… an absolute beauty that is beyond the absolute… I loved this… thank you… smiles…
…what a golden web you weave, Scott! You hook the reader from the very first. and I find myself anxiously clinging to every word, seeking hope, wisdom, and solace, a truthful path, and you give it all and I love it all, but the 5th stanza, starting with “follow its lead” particularly resonates with me. Profound and beautiful write, Scott :)) xo
I liked the poem but one question Scott. Can you convey the same thought in fewer words. I found myself getting lost in certain sections..’the hallowed soul..’ is one
Scott says: As ever, thanks for your thoughts Shriram – I will write to you about the hallowed soul segment…
Insightful and inspiring to life
To distill love like amber… beautiful.
Your words carry purpose and warmth with clear direction. You display a “light within”, and you definitely “give the best that you can”.
Nice harvest for your readers to digest.
Richard Havenga
‘Climb’ is an inspirational poem, with a significance of caution to life. At times we sit in limbo, not knowing what tomorrow may bring. Reading ‘Climb’ gives hope that one can make it with efforts, no matter how the situation is. I quote
“Then, at whatever point in your life,
You have a way forward,
A purpose to begin.
This a beautiful poem for both teenagers and adults.
This is my favorite of your poems so far. I like its simple, but not so simple to follow wisdom. Your tone is soft and human, understanding the pitfalls of the ego all too well, having known them very well. For those of us who have sought the glories of the ego, the “place” you describe in “The Climb” is truly peaceful, a release, a kind of heaven on Earth.
It seems we have always been climbing toward our higher selves, but it’s something we don’t realize until we are farther along the path. Beautiful words of wisdom.
Loved the poem..
Scott, I love the voice you choose for your wise words… It’s like I’m hooked to listen.
I learnt one interesting word “parlous” here. In this poem you are talking about how to discover the spiritual and keep climbing away from the badness. Beautiful and great write! Thank you for sharing.
The beauty of your poem and it’s message of acceptance transcend the usual and it climbs into the tops of forest trees. Thanks for sharing Scott.
Scott, the opening of this poem is spectacular, it pulls the reader in for more. Self-doubt is a killer for many. Your voice is strong here, my friend.
Hi Scott,
Your poems are beautiful. They have such a spiritual feel. You are very talented!
Dear Scott,
As you entitled this poem “climb”, reading the different stanzas felt like different branches of a tree to me, branches I have climbed in the past.
Yes, when I was younger I looked a bit too much in the lonely mirror called Narcissus and gazed at my sweet, yet untouchable image. I had a lonely childhood. Some years later, I decided I needed to change and I climbed up to a higher branch and gave as much love I had to give to all the leaves around me. I wanted to give to them the affection I had so dearly missed myself when I was a little leave myself.
Still, all this giving made me feel so tired and even more so because the leaves became hungrier and hungrier. At some point I finally realised that I had given more than I had to give. I very painfully and full of guilt reached out for a higher branch. I had spread my love without direction and finally, not only knew but also felt the reality of being: “to consume or to be consumed”.
Scott, you reminding me and all of us of the clear direction we have inside of us, is a tremendous comfort. Life, in all its various aspects, can be very confusing and lonely at times and people have so many opinions….. Kindly telling us to trust our inner guide and to listen to it and cherish it, is something I am beginning to believe in but you have made that belief even stronger. I will reread your poem ever so often, in order to keep this positive feeling alive!
Thank you, Scott!
Hi Scott,
Your poems are beautiful and powerful. I can feel the symbolism and depth in each one. You have a real talent for the art of poetry. I look forward to reading more from you.
Thought provoking and beautiful, Scott. I especially loved these words.
“Climb too enthusiastically
Into a mirror of the self
And you may never get out…”
“And light within,
That begins to stir
Your very own story.
Then, at whatever point in your life,
You have a way forward,
A purpose to begin.”
Great job as always,
I love this poem
Nice Mr Scott .. Climb…
It was a journey to one’s self, a chance of knowing the unknown islands inside.That’s beautiful!
Natural poetic flow of words, carrying meaningful and philosophical aspect of human life in a very simple language, makes a poem progressive and acceptable. And no doubt, your above poem gives you the credit of being a progressive poet.
Hats off to your wonderful poem! It is just so amazing as divine as your wondrous soul is. Your poem has a legendary quality. It irradiates your spirituality, your deep and mystical essence and has such a deific quality that it serves as a sacrament to its readers. I can so very well relate to the poem.
Simply perfect.
Never has self-reflection been more beautifully expressed.
Lovely read the second time around ~ Happy Sunday Scott ~
Words of wisdom, beautifully expressed.
thanks for sharing.
The light within that begins to stir your very own story – what a wonderfully reflective poem, so peaceful and affirming to read. Great write!
I like the tone and some passages resonate with me. “Far better to focus instead / On establishing a warmth
And light within, / That begins to stir /Your very own story.” – my favourite lines!
Nice reflection…….
Beautiful, a joy to read…
Wonderfully introspective poem. All this climbing can be tiring. Sometimes we just need to do the best we can and accept where we are in life. In this precious moment. God has a plan for us. Direction and light are within us to move forward when ready. Thanks for sharing
Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing.
Nice poem and photo.
Beautifully introspective and powerful!
Very uplifting and inspiring. Loved every bit of it. But then I always love your poems
Hi Scott,
Another one of your remarkable poems! You know I think I should blame you for easily sending me to dreamland and not wanting to come out for a while. All your poems I have read till date have this magical quality about them that finding exact words, to pin the emotions your poems generate, is quite difficult.
That’s one of the biggest reason I’m usually too scared to leave a comment. Why there aren’t any social media buttons on your website?
My favorite lines:
“Climb too enthusiastically
Into a mirror of the self
And you may never get out,
Never escape the greedy maze
Of its seductive stare.”
Best Wishes!
Scott says: Thank you Priya, Sorry about the lack of SM buttons on the site – it is being looked into, I understand…
A wonderful look at self examination with a nice approach to the open and close. So good to see your words Scott.
There’s much philosophical thought in this wonderful poem, to be read and reread at different crossroads. Besides its formal beauty, what I most admire is the subtle advice it offers. Thank you for yet another precious gift!
Scott, this made look within…”mirror of self” I think that is going to stay with me for a long time.
A wise and wonderful poem! I could use it as a mental walking stick whenever I find myself teetering at the edge of life’s sorrows and pain.
It flows beautifully too…the transfer of thoughts from consciousness to awareness tugs at my emotions. This is truly an evolved write Scott and I value the opportunity to read and absorb it.
Great lines Scott sir..I loved it,especially the following,which ends on a positive note, while discovering and fathoming your inner self.. :
Your fate though
Is not nearly as tentative
Or parlous as this.
For, along the oft fearful
And meandering trail,
The miasm of life,
Your hallowed soul within
Still offers you clear direction
And fragrant sanctuary.
Neither a reverie ,nor a dream , but a realistic approach… sir!
Great going! Congrats…
With much regard
Very impressive… You are certainly much better than I will ever be..
Have a great day..
…And like a counsellor and a motivator to engineer his people’s mind, so has this tickle and light in my mind.. Its so much like a daily morning read thing…