
New Poem – breathe and greet…


Breathe and greet each new day

Knowing you could wait a lifetime

To be truly nascent,

For that moment to begin.


Sometimes being alive

Can seem so static.

Like standing just across the street

From a string of extraordinary opportunities,

That are just sat there looking at you.


And in quite a mundane way.

Like a queue of regular folk

At a wind swept bus stop,

On some grey rainy day

That no-one cares for.


But see how each of those faces

Smile and glow so,

Without even a trace of rancour

Or expectation,

As they wait patiently

And just for you!


Seemingly forever if they have to…


So trust this is no illusion, my friend.

And, given that,

Accept in your heart you are worthy.


No need for reticence then,

Nor fear of narcissism,

Or indeed the judgement of others.

For what are you if not yourself?

Proud and unashamed,

With so much to offer, to give.


And therein,

Given the seed of self belief,

Lies your chance to shine.

This is forever and always, as it was meant to be.


  1. Mahnaz Mohafez

    ‎ “If …”

    If all the butterflies
    are supposed to go to paradise,
    Let them fly to the sky ,‎
    Sometimes too low, sometimes too high ,
    Never forget you’re here
    to let all butterflies fly.

  2. Milan Schmotzer

    Beautiful poem, my dear friend. But I feel a little more. Perceive music all the time when reading. Just smile. 🙂

    Beginning to understand. No longer have to wait. No longer need to be hoped.

    When the time comes, I’ll be there.

  3. (Dr) Jelka Samsom

    There’s a “seed of self belief” in each and every one of us, even when we are filled with despair at times. If only we could all allow this little, tiny seed to grow inside of us and let us believe we are worthwhile…

    Thank you, Scott!

  4. Shari LeKane-Yentumi

    Life is truly a gift. It is only when we risk losing it that we appreciate what we once had; if we are given another chance, we see life through a different lens, and the faith in possibilities, in becoming more than ourselves, in the goodness of others, is a precious potential.

  5. Beautiful things often so simple, like this poem! 🙂

  6. J.R. McRae Author

    Like this verse very much –

    And in quite a mundane way.
    Like a queue of regular folk
    At a wind swept bus stop,
    On some grey rainy day
    That no-one cares for.

  7. Lovely poem…esp. the lines ‘At a wind swept bus stop,
    On some grey rainy day’…how poignant!

  8. Claire Field

    Scott, I love your use of the word nascent here – I can definitely relate to some of the poems penned by yourself.

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